I’m a PAYE worker. What income
tax will I pay in 2018?
Changes to income tax bands were announced as part
of Budget 2018. The amount of tax that you have to pay depends on your personal
Tax is charged as a percentage of your income. The
percentage that you pay depends on the amount of your income.
The first part of your income, up to a certain
amount, is taxed at 20%. This is known as the standard rate of tax and the amount that it applies to is known as
the standard rate tax band.
The remainder of your income is taxed at the higher rate of tax, which is 40%. The
amount that you can earn before you start to pay the higher rate of tax is
known as your standard rate cut-off point.
For 2018 the standard rate of tax remains at 20%,
but the standard rate tax bands have been increased as follows:
2018 €
2017 €
Single person
34,550 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
33,800 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
Married couple/civil partners, one income
43,550 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
42,800 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
Married couple/civil partners, two incomes
Up to 69,100 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
Up to 67,600 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
One-parent family
38,550 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
37,800 @ 20%
Balance @ 40%
There is a range of income tax
reliefs available, which can reduce the amount of tax that you have to pay. Further
information is available from the Citizens Information Service below.
Know Your Rights has
been compiled by Boyle Citizens Information Centre which provides a free
and confidential service to the public. Tel: 0761 07 6330
Address: Elphin Street,
Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Information is also
available online at and from the Citizens Information
Phone Service - 0761 07 4000